Under the mask of protection, we danced
Deep within my heart, a fire burns
This body that you defiled is still here,
And it wants to destroy your everything

Unaware she was being deceived, the girl was innocent
Playing with her "mother", always hidden from the world

But one day, Mother left,
And the girl cried alone
Her tears fell endlessly,
Defiling her white skin

That was the first time
I had ever felt pain,
I hated it.
But the yellow woman just smiled...

Under the mask of protection, we danced
Deep within my heart, a fire burns
This body that you defiled is still here,
And it wants to destroy your everything

Now a blade shines brilliant red
My crumbling thoughts go around and around
Just laughing, the broken girl
Started a fire with her red-stained hands

Ah, who was it that deceived me?
Not knowing whether it was yellow or green

But, in my absence, the Red woman had stolen my kill
Green blood flowing,
It covered the ground,
And foolish me got even more angry

This chain of hatred doesn't stop,
An eternal fire with no end,
It burns incessantly...

Now a dull bullet pierces me,
My stumbling legs collapse
The end of my body is now,
My goal has been achieved

Just this is fine, just this is fine
I don't worry about the future
As her consciousness starts to fade away,
The broken girl just laughs...


  • 非営利目的に限ります

GARDENIA RED -english-


投稿日:2018/11/05 17:36:29


