
1. That person really attributes his own deeds
to other person, to my great sorrow.
He takes his course haphazardly and acts
as the circumstance goes by him.
He often begins with trifle actions
with leaving important things and deeds
without plan.
He always craves persistently,
greedy and does only monopolizing.
And he persists in his opinion
without hearing that the other partners say. Oh, no.
Though there are various kinds of people,
he acts only with his favorite person.
He does neither making efforts, study
nor getting realization, making growth.
So on earth what kind of future does that person have?
How sad the future will be!

2. My wonderful person is always voluntary
and positive in his deed.
He begins his action steadily
after deciding an aim and goal.
He does action from important things earlier
with enough room of time and resources.
He always thinks of the profit of the partner
and make agreement with it.
He hears the opinion of the partner first
and speaks his opinion afterwards that.
He pushes forward things among various people
with good cooperation.
And he always studies and learns from experience,
and he grows up so steadily.
Therefore the happy future with me waits for the person.
How happy the future will be!!


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 What kind of future will be

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 What kind of future will be 【Original song】




投稿日:2014/09/23 18:05:44



