Why? have you gone from before me?
You were in the rain and I was just watching it
I feel you. Your pain is my pain
I want to touch your closed heart

I wonder when it began?
You let go of the connected hand
I want to forget my past memories
Tears are flowing I want to accept it with this hand
The feeling of that day I thought so looking at the sky

I thought that the flowers that bloom in the closed world were sad

And the flower was very similar to you
I wish the flower to shine
Because there is no lie in my feelings

Until it arrives...

Keep singing the truth and again even if I lose my voice
Even if there are sad events love such a beautiful world
I want you to color the melody you play and listen to you
If you can see you again...Let's sing a song together

I remember the day. The same cold wind was blowing
The past which can not be erased."Crime and Punishment"

I see it when I close my eyes. You and me
There are red anemone flowers in bloom

It's a long way to get to the future we will draw
Surely it may disappear in the wind many times
I want to make a story for myself
Still want to continue drawing

Your figure seems to be looking at a mirror
I saw it and I was scared and broke it
You are in a distant memory
At least in a dream I want to meet you

Keep singing the truth and again even if I lose my voice
Even if there are sad events love such a beautiful world
I want you to color the melody you play and listen to you
If you can see you again...Let's sing a song together

Let's go even if the wind is blowing. No matter how strong
You can overcome it. Because I love your smile

I want you to color the melody you play and listen to you
If you can see you again...Let's sing a song together forever


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

Anemone English Ver.


It is the English version of the song called anemone.


投稿日:2019/05/05 23:11:40



