Killing sword

One day God says you are qualified to kill a wicked man.
I don't understand.
You have the power the others haven't.
Therefore I will give you Killing sword.

A long sword burst into view.
He takes up the sword.

Kill wickedness! Kill wickedness! Kill wickedness! Kill wickedness!

Ah! My head aches! I can't stand it!
Ah! Stop saying! Otherwise I kill you!

No other way. I take the sword.
What a business. I want to go home.
But he is noisy if I don't hear information.
When I draw the sword, I hear a weird voice.
The sword is laughing now. And it says.
Killing is my business! Killing is my business! Killing is my business! Killing is my business!

Shut up! How silly of it!
Why can it speak! Ah! It is sword!
It's no laughing matter!


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Killing sword


投稿日:2013/05/18 09:10:50


