
“Hello World, I’m here for you!”

Hola, que tal I’m Miku (Hello, WHAT’S UP)
Como estas? (How are you)
Bien! (Good)

The stars shine within a ray
Your eyes reflect an open parade

Espero que veas tu verdadero potencial (I hope you see your true potential)
You’ll be happy to know it’s true
Espero que veas todo tu potencial (I hope you see your full potential)

Tu felicidad pronto llegará (Your happiness is coming soon)
Tu vida pronto feliz será (Your life will soon be happy)

Tu felicidad pronto llegará (Your happiness is coming soon)
Tu vida pronto feliz será (Your life will soon be happy)

[You’re never alone]

Miku, I know you! (audience)
You know me? I know you! (audience + miku)

Miku, I know you!
You know me? I know you!

Miku, I know you!
You know me? I know you!

Believe in yourself as you believe in me
Nobody else can feel for you

Even when memories are a distant melody
You can get through today, right now, the future

Espero que tu futuro resuene en todo el mundo (I hope your future resonates worldwide)
You’ll recognize this soon
Espero que tu futuro brille fuertemente en el cielo (I hope your future shines brightly in the sky)

[You have support]

Miku, I know you!
You know me? I know you!

Miku, I know you!
You know me? I know you!

Miku, I know you!
You know me? I know you!

I’ll always be with you and everyone else too

There’s no such thing as a goodbye
Rather it’s a chance
A new way to say hello
From continent, sea to sea

00:00 / 03:06


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

World's Greetings feat. Hatsune Miku V4X English【ミクオリジナル曲】

English | Spanish Bilingual song feat. Miku V4x

Download Mp3, Off-Vocal, Lyrics: https://tinyurl.com/worldsgreetings

Mix and Mastering: https://twitter.com/TheExpus
Spanish lyric help: https://twitter.com/ankariisme


投稿日:2018/06/27 13:14:50



