As for the theory of relativity,
What if things go faster than light,
Does my heart look like the shrunken and awful thing?

But according to Schroedinger's cat,
No one knows his fate in the box.
All outcomes must be determined by observations.

Good morning to the sunset.
What’d I say when my gals court me.
Can’t opt the one who I kiss.
To be, or not to be.

I can’t get enough of rabbiting.
There’s no need to rub it in.
Knock and kick the rad between us.
Zeroes and ones make the one that I love, they make you.
So please break through the screen
That’s what you long for, as do I.

E equals m c squared, “Thanks Albert!”
I know feelings are faster than light,
Yet this still world is laughing at me but what's the big deal?
Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander.
May I help you, what's your poison?
Whichever dead or alive. In your face! I'll do it my way!

Dance, kissing, hug and rub,
Even walking down the street hand in hand.
You couldn't make it just by yourself.
Leave it to me! I'm on it!

I can’t get enough of rabbiting.
There’s no need to rub it in.
Knock and kick the rad between us.
What is wrong, did it make you go ballistic!?
Though the swell phantom gets ahead of myself as ever.

Delusion has two horns, but he'll pull
A rabbit out of the hat and touch the Hare.
One day jumping over the Orion's stars.
You've been making my day, my days and life and way.

I will stop at nothing to make my dreams come true.
Just before scientists are about to type “rm -rf /“

I can’t get enough of rabbiting.
There’s no need to rub it in.
Knock and kick the rad between us.
Zeroes and ones make the one that I love, they make you
So please break through the screen.
The two can't be meant to be say
“Let's make it here one day” coz
You'll have my heart forever.


2D Mentions


投稿日:2017/04/01 23:31:18



