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【Hatsune miku English】 I shall grow up

日本語版はこちら  http://piapro.jp/t/Qp5Y


When I was a small child, I always played with my friends
together until the sun set.
Then,after I enter a school, I walked another way solely.
The reason is; Why everybody reads the atmosphere of circumference
from around people each other and so want to crowd?
Isn't it too hard ?
There are much rewards and worth in thinking and advancing
by oneself. And it is full of fun.

I've read many books and understood that when person once
grows to be youth, one tends to become troublesome
with parents and other adults . Should I quarrel with them ?
Oh, no no.
I hate that and do not want to do so.
If I talk to and consult them about even as for
small things beforehand,
there will be no problems and no troubles and worries to me.
Without opposition, I can get along my life.

In that way I advance without many worries. I grow up to an adult.


投稿日:2013/10/13 17:59:15



