
Hey, welcome to our music land.
Only by easy and simple exercise,you can have your original songs
and you can join the member of composers.
Dreaming and be at will in the various chords, let's create melodies
freely and without minding anything .
Just as you like,world of new song is completely yours.
If there are strange or funny parts, you can rewrite and
fix song immediately .You may fail lots and lots.
Let's compose songs steadily as your imagination.
Without instrument, sense of pitch, knowledge of music,
you can participate in the world of composition.

Should you be able to play a musical instrument
and listen sense of pitch. Or must you do copying with ears
by hearing music which you absorbed in to compose songs?
On earth are they all necessary to a person who compose songs
only as a hobby? Of course not. You may put melody on chords
freely just as your sense wants to do so.
If you want to execute difficult thing, you may add a necessary thing
such as coping music by hearing, getting sense of pitch and so on later .
Let's advance steadily,sing!! Let's make songs lots and lots,sound!!!
New songs are waiting for and inviting you. Now,let's go.


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Welcome to our music land

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Welcome to our music land


投稿日:2013/10/20 15:51:18



