

  • 非営利目的に限ります



投稿日:2011/12/16 09:04:59




  • コメント4

  • 関連動画0

  • Yoshitada Satoh

    Yoshitada Satoh


    I was allowed to use the picture in this video. Thank you.


    2012/03/23 23:51:50

  • bassedance



    Very soon, I suppose, officialy SeeU will be approved to use in Piapro. According to official blog (http://blog.piapro.jp/), Vocaloid characters created by other companies (other than Cripton Future Media Co., Ltd.) seems to have been approved by Piapro gradually.

    I like all of your works. I hope you enjoy creation and continue to upload fine works here!

    2011/12/18 10:36:20

  • bassedance



    I have added some tags to your work "Luminous Flower" (http://piapro.jp/t/40sG). Tags (タグ) can be edited by every Piapro member in default settings. You may find link text named "タグの編集" (edit tags) on upper right side of the page. To click it, popup window appears to edit tags.
    Further, you may prohibit other members to change tags through "作品情報の編集"(edit work's information). "タグ・バリア"(tag barrier) should be changed to "バリアをかける(作品へのタグ追加・削除をブロックします)"(active) if you do'nt want others edit tags of your work.
    About the tags "SeeUはピアプロ投稿不可"(SeeU is prohibited to upload in Piapro) can be found on every works relating to SeeU. Offically Piapro does not approve the use of charactor SeeU. But, Works on SeeU can be uploaded and selected to "works to watch" in actual operation of Piapro. Its tag might be a kind of announcement for the copyright status of SeeU in Piapro. I suppose its tag means no harm to you.

    2011/12/18 08:10:57

    • ミッリ


      Thank you for the explanation! (^ω^ ) I was not aware that tags could be edited by others until I saw the addition of "SeeUはピアプロ投稿不可". I don't mind if people edited tags as long as it causes no harm, but it's useful to know how to prevent it!

      I am a bit confused as to why Piapro may not approve of SeeU. It seems all other Vocaloid works can be uploaded.

      2011/12/18 09:16:24

  • bassedance



    New face "SeeU"(シユ)! It is a beatiful work too. I have downloaded and bookmarked. Then, someone added the tag "SeeUはピアプロ投稿不可"(SeeU is prohibited to upload in Piapro). However your work is now selected in top page "注目の作品"(works to watch) - Category "more..." by Piapro Webmaster. I suppose no problem would occur for you.
    Looking forward to your next works!

    2011/12/18 00:19:18

    • ミッリ


      I would not have noticed the tag if you didn't mention it. (;´ω`) Thank you for notifying me! I hope there are no problems with uploading SeeU work. She's cute!

      2011/12/18 00:29:27
