
Nonchalantly nonchalantly nonchalantly
nonchalantly nonchalantly relaxed
Nonchalantly nonchalantly nonchalantly
nonchalantly nonchalantly
The Japan nonchalant party is the very our name.
The Japan nonchalant party is our noble name.
We always live in the comfortable world
that is small of a radius of 5 meters from myself every day,
saying "I love myself and the love is essentially utmost to me.
No other thing are needed".
For us, everybody is merely a scenery and a mere background
except our friends.
If our friends are close each other, everything is OK,
and that's all.
Though there may exists the nuisance to other persons,
we are in defiance of it,
and we live good life as if it is not virtually.
WE ourselves are all to us.

Nonchalantly nonchalantly nonchalantly
nonchalantly nonchalantly relaxed
Nonchalantly nonchalantly nonchalantly
nonchalantly nonchalantly
The Japan nonchalant party. It is the our country.
The Japan nonchalant party. where the itself is fun.
We love private relations most and, depending
on the circumstances course,
live for the consciousness
in each friendship, in this cold-blooded,
terrible world every day.
It is very interesting and so thrilling.
Other than the national people,
everybody is mere scenery and noise.
The domestic majority is a existence with collusion,
and treating other countries irresponsibly.
and even if there are social problems the nation are happy
with acting just as if there were not such problems.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】We are Japan nonchalant party

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】We are Japan nonchalant party【Original song】


投稿日:2013/12/10 21:15:14



