Let me tell you something that I thought
About you and me since a long time ago
If friendship's all you’re asking
I won't have a word to disagree with
If you’re fine with that relationship
I'll be happy with that relation too
A dishonest liar like me
Will scream out an upside-down love song

Today, I looked out my window
And the weather was a rainy sunny day
Yesterday, I had nothing to do
I was bored to death and had a wonderful time
There's no way that I was thinking
About you all day and all night long
But wait, if I say the truth
Maybe I was thinking... No that’s a lie

My head is spinning faster and faster
Going around and around like a merry go round

Now what should I do
Handful with love you gave me
Where in the world should I go
To throw it all away

I have no interest in
A piece of junk that has limits to
I don't want it

Let me tell you something that I thought
About you and me since a long time ago
Even if I can't see what you look like
I can clearly see the words you spoke out to me
Thought of me not knowing every detail
Makes me want to break loose and go insane
I wonder if the feelings I dangle
Are beautiful or dirty like me

Impossible for me to understand
I didn’t have a place to let it go
I’ll sit and wait until my heart will
Toss and turn so I can find the answer
I won’t take a step, I’ll stay until you say okay

Now you’re walking away
Leaving me standing still
How am I supposed to fill the empty spaces of my lonely heart?
You call someone like me. Someone that’s too weak to say the truth
A worthless, lonely coward

Now what should I do
Handful with love I give you
Who in the world should I pass to
So I can move on
There is no place for me to pass my love for you, my dear
I’ll keep waiting here

Ready yet?
Here I come.


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい


164様の天ノ弱の英語歌詞バージョンを作らせていただきました。なにか問題やご不満などありましたら気軽に申してください。m(_ _)m よろしくお願いします。


投稿日:2012/10/11 15:14:54


