Heading to bed where it's warm and it's safe
fearing the moon man might take me away
My favorite doll looked
up with a smile,
mischievous laughter for only us two

Too many things I knew little about
filled me with worries, fears, and with doubts
Colorful stars were
streaking the sky with
Iliad colors and myriad hues

la la la

All by her lonesome, the halls of her castle
echo the princess's sobs and her cries

One night I realized Mother would die
I covered my face and took comfort in lies
it's too painful to see, it's far too painful to see
I'm happier closing my eyes

There is a photo that tells me a tale
faded, an unfinished story's unveiled
My favorite chocolate
has already melted
dripping and dropping a brilliant red

People we love seem to matter a lot
but one human life is worth less than I thought
Somewhere else rabbits
sing and hold hands and
try to pass time for it's boring to them

All by her lonesome, the trees of the forest
loom even stranger than ever before

One night it came to me Mother would die
I started to ponder the meaning of life
why we're given a breath
and it's taken away
a meaning I never would find

*The fact which the heroine acknowledged is not so breezy,
*but still she outfaces to the devil

All by my lonesome, the walls of my bedroom
push and oppress me and make me feel small

One night I thought they'd take mother away
that night stretched forever, so fearful of day,
I was alone with my thoughts, alone with my dreams
but sooner or later comes dawn
with every morning I wake, I wipe my tears away
until I've become an adult


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  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

ママ夜 English


投稿日:2014/08/24 04:37:10


