Feel like I've been left behind

Kiss loneliness again
Say good bye to your love
I’m going where I can breathe

It may be jealous, shit
I can’t grab your hand which you gave me

I can’t play with the girl shining
Girls are swinging like road mirage
How far should I run

Although the earth is turning
We can’t back
My sad future, I hate
I want to just stay here

Although I hold on,
It will melt and lost
Upside down world

I cried quietly like a icicle

I didn't use the notebook 'cause it was precious
My love covered with dust
Let’s talk about secret story

I flight with full power
Over the sky which reflects the water
I don’t need your sorry
You make such a weak me strong

Crying person becomes a butterfly
And flies with beautiful mark wings


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宇城和孝 feat. GUMI『アイシ苦ル』の英語訳です。


投稿日:2017/12/20 02:48:17



